1. Is there an alternative to the € CO Tuning?
The only currently available alternative is to restrict travel by car. This would mean that each 5. Drive not perform to nearly have the same saving effect. Besides the waiver, there is no real alternative to the ECO Tuning.
2. Is the € CO Tuning visible from the outside?
No! The extra power of the CHIP tuning is felt indeed, but only on a rolling - measuring test and can not be determined with the naked eye.
The ECO Tuning you will notice about the decreasing number of gas station visit and by the slightly more agile driving characteristics of the car.
With the usual workshop diagnostic devices neither of the two modifications can be determined.
3. If the € CO to equip tuning optimization back?
Yes! The modified software can be upgraded at any time we go back. We reprogram the latest original software on the EPROM in the control unit.
4. Is € CO Tuning available for each vehicle?
Yes, whether car or truck, ECO tuning is possible for almost any vehicle. The fuel savings to be achieved will vary depending on the vehicle, the driver and the various fields of use of the vehicle from.
The savings are up to 20%. At various testing various vehicles were tested for durability, fuel economy and driving performance. For all vehicles, the consumption decreased by 8% - 22%.
5. Which means € CO - tuning?
€ CO - Tuning is derived from the term "Economic", which means as much as economic. This tuning signals to the expert that an economical car set was made by SKN on the vehicle. An essential feature of the € CO tuning is the consumption reduction achieved, which is clearly in the foreground while tuning. We guarantee in addition to reducing the consumption of a performance increase and a torque improvement. You save money and have an improved driveability, better acceleration and thus increased at a depreciation of cost pressure driving pleasure. but € CO also means that the owner of this vehicle takes on the environment and the limited resources into consideration.
6. What is the process in the € CO Tuning?
You or a workshop of your build from the control unit from the vehicle and send it by parcel SKN Express to. On the day of the inbox, the controller is provided with the Tuning € CO and sent back to you. ATTENTION: Please inform yourself before shipment Always Call our technology, if your vehicle is control unit suitable for dispatch. In some cases also the gearbox control unit must be returned.
We are always happy when our customers come to visit. Here at SKN you can witness the € CO Tuning live. You should first telephone vote a tuning appointment so no waiting times increased traffic. At the tuning appointment you should bring your vehicle and the relevant documents (car license) and between 2 3 to hours.
In SKN your vehicle is tested thoroughly first. We thus want to make sure that your vehicle is in perfect technical condition before we start with the tuning. For this purpose, a test drive is carried out incl. Test drive and connect a tester that reporting any shortcomings or errors.
On the drive test data collection are at the vehicle.
Which units are installed on the engine. What turbocharger,
Injectors etc. were used in your vehicle.
After the data recording this information with current
Updates the manufacturer, Tuning findings of SKN and latest
brought insights of exhaust laboratories in line. Our developers
work here with the latest electronics and high - end computers
an optimal & economical € CO tuning.
7. As € CO Tuning has been tested / developed?
About 2 years ECO Tuning has been tested on various vehicles. Here, diesel and gasoline engines have been tested in cars and trucks.
From the small VW Lupo 1.4 to Audi RS6, the Mercedes Actros trucks with over 500PS was tested everything the SKN developers came to hand. Durability, wear, fuel consumption, pollutant - emissions and performance were always and repeatedly tested, documented, modified and tested again.
After many thousands of kilometers of testing, several weeks on dynamometers and in exhaust laboratories we can proudly say: YES, IT WORKS!
8. Can the CHIP or ECO tuning be undone?
Each SKN Tuning can be reversed. You will get at the rear armor always the most current, available for your car, right ORIGINAL software version of the manufacturer.
9. Do the brake system or the tire to be modified?
The "normal" performance optimizations are coordinated by us so that no further modifications are usually necessary. If additional tuning measures (compressor / Turbo Conversions) it depends on the performance and varies from case to case.
10. Do other conversions are undertaken?
11. Why do I save with a power and torque increase fuel?
This approach contradicts our normal, school knowledge, however, is easy to explain:
If we want to go 100 km / h with a vehicle that has 150 hp, so we provide means Gasfuss the throttle on as 40% a. If the car is tuned up to as 110 PS, so we need to throttle the motor provide only 37% to 150 km / h to drive. About this modified throttle setting less fuel is injected, which in turn leads to a reduction in consumption.
Of course, it looks like in practice even more complex, as you can not operate with as little fuel or any amount of air the engine. Here the secret lies in the right mix, which may vary from engine to engine, even in identical cars.
12. What is the difference between a ballast (BOX) and the CHIP or ECO tuning?
Vorschaltsteuergeräte, called boxes, before the actual series - clamped engine control unit. Here are usually 2 9 to lines which, tapped over 100 lines of an engine control unit. Agent (generally called BOX) of resistors or knobs in the ballast will distort the measured values of the engine electronics and transmitted FALSE values to the engine control unit.
The engine is thereby driven in a state which is not present! That this kind of deliberate misinformation on time the mileage, fuel consumption and wear of the engine adversely affected, is obvious.
At € CO Tuning the data frames, maps, curves and Ecki formations of the engine control unit - software optimized. The engine control unit therefore runs with an optimized and updated software. The Vorgagng one can imagine almost like a driver UPDATE on the home computer. Errors are eliminated and released resources.
13. Which vehicles can be fitted with an ECO Tuning?
It can be any vehicle, be optimized to each mileage.
However, the vehicle should be in a good technical condition. The service intervals should be respected. We have customers who have traveled by truck, car or mobile home 500.000 km, without complaint!
Construction, boats, commercial vehicles and agricultural vehicles can be adapted to optimized consumption in ECO Tuning.
14. Which fuel should be tanked?
After ECUs - (ECO Tuning) should at Otto - engines are converted to the type of fuel SUPERPLUS. This will help achieve a better performance and a clean combustion! For diesel - engines is also of higher quality diesel SUPER recommended.
15. How does the fuel consumption?
By the ECO Tuning should result in a reduction in consumption of up to 20% depending on the application and use of the car.
By CHIP tuning of the fuel according to DIN 70030 (urban cycle, constant driving at 90 and 120 km / h) will correspond to the series values at low revs partly below.
16. What is the process when ECO Tuning?
You or a workshop of your build from the control unit from the vehicle and send it by parcel SKN Express to. On the day of the inbox, the controller is equipped with the ECO Tuning and sent back to you. ATTENTION: Please inform yourself before shipment Always Call our technology, if your vehicle is control unit suitable for dispatch. In some cases also the gearbox control unit must be returned.
We are always happy when our customers come to visit. Here at SKN you can experience live the ECO Tuning. You should first telephone vote a tuning appointment so no waiting times increased traffic. At the tuning appointment you should bring your vehicle and the relevant documents (car license) and between 2 3 to hours.
In SKN your vehicle is tested thoroughly first. We thus want to make sure that your vehicle is in perfect technical condition before committing to the tuning. For this purpose, a test drive is carried out incl. Test drive and connect a tester that reporting any shortcomings or errors.
On the drive test data collection are at the vehicle.
Which units are installed on the engine.
17. How long did the development of the ECO Tuning?
Due to the global SKN teams of motors experts, we were able to limit the development time to 1,5 years. This requires an effort of special ART.
Analyzes of fuels, tests with cars and trucks, measurement drives, long-distance tests, tests under different climatic conditions, measurement of trucks on truck test stands, measurements of cars on modern all-wheel drive test stands, etc. were carried out in parallel to day-to-day business. Here it was important that the SKN team worked successfully hand in hand, across national borders, and with external engineers.
18. What are the performance?
The acceleration and elasticity improve significantly, however, depending on the weight and structure of the respective vehicle.