ECO Tuning logo
ECO Tuning75 logo
SKN workshop
Vehicle selection is done using 1. Vehicle type, 2. Vehicle brand, 3. Model and 4. Engine:
Vehicle selection with key number:
HSN 4 digit
TSN 3 digit

Environmental Protection

The world we are destroying is the living space of our children and grandchildren.

Environmental protection is everybody's, so SKN takes responsibility! Our planet deserves our full attention.

All previously audited by TÜV Nord Software optimisations with your current data status, were in the power measurement, noise and exhaust emission test positive results. The emissions were due to the significant reduction of fuel consumption, far below the manufacturer's specifications.

100% renewable energy

100% renewable energies are an ambitious goal to which we are committed. That is why we invested in renewable energies in 2016 in order to be able to develop and work self-sufficiently, independent of electricity giants and thus environmentally friendly. We strive for the paperless office (think before you print) and already sell 90% of our SKN products without sales packaging, without plastic packaging, without documentation or advertising flyers! The world's seas and oceans are overloaded with the flood of plastic and plastic waste - we're not doing that! We want to be pioneers, thought leaders, but not senior teachers.

An automotive country like Germany should be an orientation for other countries & peoples that are lagging a bit behind in automotive development. Politicians haggle at climate summits to reduce pollutant emissions in the per mil range, with the SKN ECO Tuning a percentage change in consumption and emissions could be achieved. 

The world we destroy the habitat of our children.

If you have IDEAS that protect our planet, the vegetation or the creatures, then talk to us - we are very interested!