Result & success: Quality from TÜV CERT production
Quality & durability preprogrammed. In contrast to other providers, SKN does not go to the limits of what is feasible, but what makes sense.
This means that the reserves of your engine are used sensibly and are not exhausted to the limit. Our software optimizations are also based on original software. A quality that pirated software, for example, cannot offer you. As an SKN customer, you will receive a special, up-to-date tuning software tailored to your vehicle. Ultimately, we are guided by our motto: We make the best. Not less. But no more! And all of this regularly and for most vehicles with TÜV registration! All SKN tuning variants that have been tested by TÜV Nord - with their current software version - have shown extremely positive results:
Specifically, that means: performance measurements, noise measurements and exhaust gas measurements were carried out by the TÜV and certified positively. A TÜV approval at SKN is therefore not a problem, but a formality and a piece of security for you. Trust it.