development principles
The SKN development principles
Within the SKN Group we can fall back on a team of around 100 specialists and generalists. We have engine developers, process and quality managers as well as designers and industrial engineers in our ranks. All just to present our customers with the best product.
The demands on our development team have grown over the years. New engine technologies, electronic helpers in abundance, EU emission standards, changed fuel mixtures and, last but not least, the government's tax policy, are influencing factors that are taken into account.
It is important to keep pace with the development departments of AUDI, BMW, Bosch, Mercedes and VW (to name just a few). We are just as pioneers in this as the manufacturers themselves, but with an additional burden: Our products have to be so extremely reliable that we even detect and eliminate errors in series programming. Otherwise, manufacturer errors would fall back on SKN without justification.
Every external observer can now quickly see the enormous effort behind a serious and optimal € CO or power tuning. Low-cost providers cannot guarantee this security. With these providers, the data sets are often "patched around" quickly enough and without engine knowledge until the engine becomes more powerful for whatever reason.
Very risky when you consider that is the centerpiece of an automobile engine and high costs for failures. So do yourself and your engine a favor: If € CO or Power Tuning, then put on quality of SKN.